A memoryworth phone offers an alternative to the traditional guestbook for your wedding or special event. Our voicemail guestbook looks like vintage phone and allows guests to pick up the phone and leave personal messages capturing meaningful moments and memories frozen in time. Archive the voices of your loved ones with an audio guestbook to relive the moment for generations to come.
You’ll want to capture every moment of your wedding day as a keepsake. Guests will leave you audio messages from emotional to hilarious — and you’ll want to treasure them all.
Nostalgia meets modern day. The vintage GPO Retro 746 phone records while our software does the heavy work. You’ll get access to a dashboard to download, tag, and make edits to your voicemail messages.
Your messages are once in a lifetime. We double save each voicemail message on the device and a memory backup for extra protection.
Easy setup for yourself or your event planner. No attendant required.
Reserve your date online and you're booked for the day before and after at no extra charge.
Always free shipping with guaranteed arrival before your big day.
Just turn on the phone and follow the instructions to record your greeting after first pickup. It's that easy!
Package the phone after your event and ship it back with the materials and pre paid shipping label provided.
We process all of your audio messages within 24 hours after receiving the phone.
All of your guests messages will live on your memoryworth dashboard for labeling & download.
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